
Italea present at the online workshop "Giro in Emilia-Romagna and its 4 seasons" led by two descendants of Emilia-Romagna in Chile and Argentina

06 July 2024

2 minutes

On Saturday 06 July, on the occasion of the “Day of Emilia-Romagna in the world”, the online workshop was held open to the community of Emilia-Romagna people in the world, but also to those interested in the region and those curious to experiment with the collage technique.

The workshop, led by two young ERs in the World Constanza Bianchini (E-R Valle de Aconcagua Association-Chile) and Magalí Pizarro (Association From the Apennines to the Andes-Argentina) was a journey in Italian through the region and through the creative medium of collage.

People from Buenos Aires, Pergamino, Bariloche, Lima, Santiago and even Johannesburg participated, and Monica Valeri, from APT Servizi Turismo Emilia-Romagna, and Leticia Carpinelli, contact person for Italea Emilia-Romagna, connected from Emilia-Romagna.

Leticia Carpinelli, contact person for Italea Emilia-Romagna, sent a greeting telling about Italea explaining about the program and commented: “We are working especially with the municipalities to activate events that have to do with the Year of Tourism of Italian roots in the world.
Oltre a ricevere richieste di itinerari personalizzate, riceviamo richieste di ricerca genealogica e anche stiamo attivando laboratori permanenti su tutto il territorio”, manifestando la disposizione da Italea E-R su diffondere iniziative come questo laboratorio.
Finally, he added: Emilia-Romagna is waiting for you and all the municipalities that are working on Roots Tourism want to receive those who are descendants of their lands.”

The laboratory, during a The first part led by Magalí, consisted of a contextualization of the region through different dynamics and interventions.
Among them, the participants created a cloud of words related to Emilia-Romagna.

The second part was the collage activity, led by Constanza: introducing the technique and observing ancient postcards of the region in the 4 seasons.
Finally, the participants with materials and magazines they had at home, were guided to create their postcard, accompanied by Italian music in the background.

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