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Route length 4 days

Journey through Historical Treasures and Natural Landscapes: Bologna, Ferrara and the Po Delta

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The experience

The journey through Bologna, Ferrara and the Po Delta is a truly unique and fascinating experience, especially for Italian-descendants eager to reconnect with their roots. We invite you to experience this itinerary in a singular, genuine and enjoyable way! We offer you to discover the area through its cuisine, combining the food and wine excellence of Emilia-Romagna with its historical, cultural and natural charm. Each location offers a unique window into different eras and aspects of the country’s rich historical and cultural heritage, allowing Italian-descendants to immerse themselves in the stories passed down by their ancestors.

From the provincial capital, with its ancient squares and towers and its ties to the Risorgimento period, to Ferrara, with its medieval streets and majestic Estense Castle. The Po Delta, with its unspoiled nature formed by a succession of land and water, will lead you to Comacchio, the little Venice. During this journey, each place and each typical dish tasted will inevitably immerse you in a myriad of wonderful memories and emotions, those of your Italian-descended roots!


traditional cuisine
Medieval Architecture
Historic Squares
Estense Castle
Medieval Streets
Renaissance Art
Po Delta
Nature Reserves
little Venice



IIStart your day with an authentic Emilia-Romagna breakfast, following in the footsteps of a true Bolognese in one of the oldest bars in the historic center. Afterwards, at Piazza Maggiore, a guide will be ready to take you on a fascinating journey through history and gastronomy.

Bologna, recognized as the oldest university city in the world, flaunts its medieval historic center, characterized by no less than forty kilometers of porticoes, among the best preserved in Europe. This setting will be the ideal atmosphere to immerse yourself in historical anecdotes about the city and its culinary arts. After this leisurely stroll, a home restaurant awaits, where you will have the opportunity to learn the art of rolling out the pastry by hand, following grandmothers’ traditions, and making different types of pasta, including the iconic Tiramisu recipe. This will be accompanied by fine wine from Emilia- Romagna.

Address: Piazza Maggiore, Bologna BO, Italy


In the afternoon, a unique experience awaits you in DOZZA. After walking through this extraordinary outdoor art gallery, where artists from all over the world have adorned the walls with fascinating paintings, your visit will continue inside the Rocca Sforzesca. This fortress has remained untouched since the Middle Ages, with its sleeping dragon forming part of its atmosphere. Your exploration will culminate in the enoteca of Emilia-Romagna, located in the dungeons of the Rocca, where you can discover the secrets of the wines through a tasting accompanied by delicious local products.

Address: Dozza, BO, Italy


The morning will be devoted to discovering the Renaissance beauty of the city, which was ruled for many centuries by the Este family, making it one of the most important courts in Europe. The guided tour will begin with the Estense Castle, the Municipal Palace and the Schifanoia Palace. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to explore one of the contrade involved in the famous “Palio di Ferrara,” one of the oldest in Italy, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of this event rich in history.

After an immersion in the beauty and history of the city, it is essential to take a break in one of the traditional taverns to delight in the renowned Cappellacci alla Zucca, a culinary delicacy typical of Ferrara gastronomy. During this experience, you will also have the opportunity to learn how to make Pumpkin Cappellacci following the ancient traditions handed down by your ancestors.

Address: Largo castle Ferrara

In the afternoon, the tour traces the history of the 1900s by delving into the Jewish Quarter and visiting the recently opened MEIS Museum of Judaism.

Address: Trento Trieste Square Ferrara

We end the day with a sunset walk on the perfectly preserved walls, where you can enjoy a classic aperitif prepared for you in a wonderful place.

address: Travaglio Square Ferrara


In the morning, visit the Comacchio Valleys, a place that embodies the history of the Delta, from the Etruscans to the present day. Thanks to a slow and affordable navigation, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a past of ancient crafts related to the fishing of the famous Eel within a unique landscape.

Have you ever been in a Bilancione? You can feel like a real fisherman in one of these huts. Small dwellings with their large nets rising over the sheets of water in the wetlands, which have become in their own right a part of the UNESCO cultural heritage that have characterized their landscape for many centuries. Today we eat fish!

Address: Foce Comacchio (Fe) Station

A visit to “Little Venice,” with its striking colors and views, cannot be missed. You’ll stroll past canals and discover monumental bridges and churches, all accompanied by a nice smell of seafood from the typical eateries, where you’ll always find some townspeople willing to share their local knowledge with you. You will learn about the Manifattura dei Marinati, a “slow food” presidium, and the Museo del Delta Antico, historic places in Comacchio where you understand the history and culture of its inhabitants. Here you will learn about the traditional processing of eels, an iconic fish of this town. A very old process that has remained the same over time!

After that, a cooking class with the flavors of the Delta awaits you, where you will have the opportunity to taste the queen of Comacchio: the Eel.

Address: parking Largo Card. Pallotta – Comacchio (Fe)


The last day begins with a slow, meditative and rejuvenating walk at the mouth of the Po River, Italy’s largest river and the natural border between Emilia and Veneto. Accompanied by an experienced guide, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating history of this area, from medieval times to the period of resistance. Each era has left its mark, helping to shape the Po Delta into a magnificent heritage of beauty and natural resources of inestimable value. The Po Delta, with its variety of ecosystems and layered history, is thus revealed not only as a treasure trove of biodiversity, but also as a place steeped in authenticity and identity.

With this experience you will appreciate not only the cultural and historical richness of the region, but also understand the deep connection to your roots.

Address: Via Spiaggia – Comacchio (Fe)

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