
Roots and love, the Monte Moria park will be the meeting place of the Piacenza people in the world

02 August 2024

4 minutes

The provincial meeting of the Piacenza communities in the world, organized by the Piacenza nel Mondo association, returns to Morfasso for the 28th edition.

Friday 16 August, the feast of San Rocco, the mass, the ceremony for the awarding of the “Piacentino benemerito” award, lunch and dancing afternoon.
All in the evocative park of Monte Moria.

During the party, two people from Piacenza who have kept the name of Piacenza high in the world with their activity will be awarded: Renzo Inzani, 87 years old since 1959 in London, Gianfranco Gazzola, 73 years old who emigrated to New York in 1968.

Leaving the mountains of Valdarda with a cardboard suitcase to go in search of a better future abroad, every year, for 28 years now, the people of Piacenza around the world have found themselves together in their valley of origin.
This year the party will be in the park of Monte Moria on August 16 starting at 11 am, when the program includes a mass inside the church of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption and San Rocco.
This will be followed by the traditional ceremony that awarded meritorious Piacenza citizens who have particularly distinguished themselves abroad for their careers, while maintaining a strong bond with their territory of origin.
After the award ceremony, the day will continue from 1.30 pm with a lunch and an afternoon of dancing.

“For the second time since I have been mayor, the Municipality of Morfasso has the privilege of welcoming the Piacenza communities in the world – said Paolo Calestani – our country is a protagonist as far as the stories of emigration are concerned, Morfasso has in fact 1040 residents abroad of which 640 in London and 900 inhabitants. We are rooted in the world, there are those who have emigrated from our mountains to England, those who have emigrated to France and even to Japan. Thanks to the work of the cultural association for the Piacenza communities in the world, we can maintain a solid relationship with the community that has emigrated abroad and bring our tradition to the world through a cultural exchange.”

“Thanks to ‘Piacenza in the world’ – concluded Calestani – we can revive the traditional feast of the emigrant, which until fifteen years ago was celebrated right on Mount Moria, on the same date which, among other things, is also the patron saint’s feast, San Rocco is the patron saint of the Monastery of Morfasso”.

The initiative was also announced by the city councilor Andrea Martini, Maurizio Sesenna of the board of directors of “Piacenza in the world” representing the president of the association Patrizia Bernelich and the president of the Province Monica Patelli.
“We are honored as a Province to be involved in this

initiative – said Patelli – keeps alive the traditions of our Piacenza emigrants in the world.
Last year the event was in Ferriere, a moment of great emotion; A very heartfelt tradition in our mountains, the bond carried out by young people in our territory is also beautiful».
Sesenna then announced the Piacenza in the world awarded this year: Renzo Inzani and Gianfranco Gazzola.
Inzani, born in Monastero di Morfasso in 1937, moved to London in 1959 where he was successful in the restaurant industry, opening restaurants, self-service and coffee bars.
He met Angela from Rustigazzo di Lugagnano, a girl from our mountains, whom he married: they had two daughters, Milena and Liviana.
Always tied to his land, he arranged with his brothers his father’s house in Villa Inzani and Angela’s house in Rustigazzo where he spent his summer holidays.
Gazzola, born seventy-three years ago in a hamlet of Travo, moved to New York with his family at the age of 17.
In the Big Apple, after working in the well-known restaurant “Laurent” and completing his technical studies, he won a competition for the city becoming responsible for various sectors, from water to pollution.
Since 2017, retired, he has spent eight months in Valtrebbia Vanno.
With Inzani and Gazzola, the Carabinieri will also be awarded for the service of defense of the citizen guaranteed in every part of the world, and the Third Educational Circle for having built a bridge with the primary school of Nogent sur Marne.

The meeting of the Piacenza communities in the world is supported by the Municipality of Morfasso, ITALEA, the European Union, the Ministry of Culture and promoted not only by the Piacenza in the world association, but also by the Province of Piacenza and the Foundation of Piacenza and Vigevano.

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